Saturday, 24 March 2012

Broken Hill to Esperance

Its been quite a number of days since we have had internet and mobile phone coverage and we are now at Esperance in WA. Since the last post we have stopped in Port Augusta, the temperture was very warm and we spent the afternoon looking at the jetty and the bay and going for a swim to cool off. We crossed the SA boarder and the Flinders Rangers, the view of the Flinders was great, the landscape was quite green and the hills looked amazing.

The Flinders Rangers

We spent the night at Haslam, a small ttowm about 45km up from Streaky Bay, we had quite strong winds most of the day, so the bay didn't look all that good. All caravan parks and most of the free camping were full but we finally found some stops at Haslam, a camp area close to the jetty. Mums brother also stopped in for the night as he was heading back home, so it was nice to catch up with him. It was quite cold that night and the extra blanket was definately needed.
Jetty at Haslam.
We started the Nullarbor Plains. It has taken us 2.5 days to cross from start to finish, the first 2 days was quite windy. The start and for most of the way along it has almost no trees at all just alot of scrub, but the last few hundred km's has alot of trees. We stopped in and had a look at the start of the Great Australian Bight, it was a great view and the wind wasn't even too bad. We stopped at most of the lookouts along the way, the cliffs and the colours in them looked amazing, and you drive quite close to them along some parts. We spent 2 nights on the Nullarbor, one at a truck stop off the road about 50 km from Boarder Village and the other at a roadhouse caravan park at Balladonia.

Start of the Nullarbor

Us at the Great Australian Bight

Some of the signs you see

We crossed the WA boarder and were searched at quaritine for fruit and veg, they took a few things we had as well as our honey.

Some of the slower nomads we have to pass. They only sit on about 80klm/h

Cliffs along the Nullarbor

View of the Nullarbor Plains on the WA side

Camp site at Balladonia

We are at Esperance tonight, we got here around 2pm and have spent the afternoon relaxing and getting some washing done. We are all still trying to get used to the 3hr time differance and are looking forward to stopping here tomorrow and having a look around.

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